Are you active in the offshore industry and interested in contributing to our educational programs? As an industry-focused educational institute, we are always looking for new partners.
Businesses and offshore organisations contribute with such things as:
• Internships (for students as well as teachers)
• Hybrid teachers
• Masterclasses
• Guest lectures
• Business speed-dates
• Presenting yourself at open days
Get in touch
Please do not hesitate to contact us via our head office or via one of our offshore experts:
- Vocational: STC mbo college: Nicole van Spronsen, tel. +31(0)10 448 6376, email:
- Bachelor: Rotterdam Mainport Institute (hbo): Johan Antonissen, tel. +31(0)10 794 7724, email:
- Part-time Maritime Technology (bachelor): Marieke School-Brouwer, tel. +31(0)10 448 6355, email:
Courses for professionals
Are you looking for courses for your crew or for other professionals in the offshore industry? Please visit the page training and courses.